Icon in apps

Would like the ability to upload custom icons for apps such as the hotspots and quiz buttons found in certain interactive types. For example in some interactive types, you can upload a custom icon but it is used for every instance of the icon within the app. I would like to be able to upload custom individual graphic icons for each element within an interactive.

Also, there is an inconsistent application of this among apps. I have a 360 tour where I placed a multiple choice quiz in and the quiz has a finger as the only choice for the icon. This makes no sense at least a question mark or other type of icon would be more intuitive. In this type of activity app, there is no option to even sub out the icons. However, in this app I cannot not change any of the icons. Please, just give us the ability to replace all icons if we want that is my request.

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BV52's picture

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful.