Interactive Video and polling answers
Submitted by Professor Marquez on Sat, 04/11/2020 - 02:13
Just curious is there a way to add questions to a video and it polls the results for the user to see what category their choices fell under? NOt a big deal but kinda see what the rest of the class chose for their answer
Mon, 04/13/2020 - 19:07
Hi Professor Marquez,Multiple
Hi Professor Marquez,
Multiple Choice Question can be configured to have all the answers to be correct. It can also work as a 'survey' if you set the behavioural settings as follows:- Enable 'Give one point for the whole task'
- Pass Percentage is set to 0.
The only limitation is that you cannot limit the choices of the user through the settings. You can check my simple sample here. Feel free to download it so that you can check the settings. In terms of analyzing the results H5P emits data in the form of xAPI statements and you will need a plugin or custom code to listen to these statements and a data store such as a learning record store to save them in.I highly recommend looking through these documentation: