missing cotents

Dear all,

unfortunately I can not find anymore some contents I was used to work with such as column or hotspot.


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otacke's picture


They have been turned off. Comment by the H5P core team:

H5P.org has constantly been timing out and crashing lately making authors like you loose all their unsaved work. H5P runs on a single cheap server and is not designed to scale and facilitate content creation for the entire world through the Corona crisis. We've been getting more and more complaints from users not able to access H5P.org at all because of all the traffic, so turning on content types so that content creators can bring the site down again won't help anyone unfortunately. H5P.com is built to scale and just adds more servers when needed. H5P.org is built to be a forum, a place to look at the example content and a place to try out H5P.
