Using Column For KMS Scavenger Hunt

Hey Everyone,

I have been learning so much and wanted to share some of my content creation tips I found just by trial and error and form post.

When thinking of assignments in Moodle it was always a struggle to get learners to send the document via email. I found it was mostly due to ease of access problems. 

To streamline I started using the Column in H5P. In this example I created a Knowledge Management System "Scavenger Hunt" activity for the company.


  1. Start with Column as a base
  2. Create Link to KMS
  3. Use Documentation Tool for the remainder

Sub Steps for Doumentation Portion

  1. Start with an intro to what the assignment will be and why
  2. Insert each question as a Text Input Field (This can be done as individual standard pages or all in one depending on content)
  3. Last Page will be Export Page

This was a quick and easy activity that got employees excited. 

Optionally you can have a reward for the person who finds the most answers. 

Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement or any other content types that worked for better outcomes. 

BV52's picture

Wow I never thought you can do it like this. Thank you for sharing this.

Thanks! I am glad it sparked thought which is what I always hope to do :)

Let me know if you get a chance to implement something similar.