Plugin for Joomla!



I am not sure I am posting this at the right place...


We just discovered your fantastic resource. Here at University of Ottawa, our service (Teaching and Learning Support Service) support faculty members in their teaching and on the design of their course. Having this resource available for them on our Website could be a huge advantage to encourage them to use interactive online objects in their blended, online or face to face course (we are using Brightspace from D2L as LMS).


Our specific website is developed in Joomla (Version 3.7.2). Do you plan to develop a plugin for this CMS?


Thank you,



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BV52's picture

Hi Pascal,

Welcome to H5P! Currently  we only support Drupal, Moodle and Wordpress. I'm sorry but we are not working on any Joomla plugin now. If you or anyone else in the community is willing to contribute to a Joomla plugin we will of definitely support you as best as we can. :-)



Learnmark's picture


I have the same problem and would like the H5P to work on our existing Joomla sites (4+)

What would it take to make the plugin? who much of a contributation is needed?