Audio Recorder and Firefox


I've a problem when i use the Audio recorder component with Firefox.

When I click on the "record" button, the message "Access to microphone is not allowed in your browser since this page is not served using HTTPS. Please contact the author, and ask him to make this available using HTTPS" appears.

Sometimes, when i refresh the page, I can allow the browser access to my microphone.

This problem appears on Moodle (v.3.8) and

On Moodle, the H5P plugin version is 1.20.2 and the last version of the Audio recorder component.

I don't have any problem with Chrome.

Is there a way to fix this ?

Best regards.


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otacke's picture

Hi Yan!

It is possible this is a problem with HTTP features policies. The topic is discussed at



With both Chrome and Firefox I get the message that the microphone is not supported, although it works fine at the H5P site.

otacke's picture

Hi robblecs!

My previous answer still holds. The server might be configured to not allow iframes to use media devices like the microphone.

