interactive book

Missing Content Types in Interactive Book

I did an update today to the interactive book content type on a WordPress site, and I noticed, when building one, that the essay and quiz content types are no longer available. Was this an intentional change, or can I expect to see this resolved in the near future?

Thank you!

embed external content into the Interactive Book

Hello! It would be great if we could embed external content into the Interactive Book. One simple way to do that would be allowing the use of the already existing Iframe Embedder inside the book.

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Missing content from content bank in Interactive Book

TOScPeiffer's picture

In our Interactive Books, just starting today, we don't have some of the typical content options to use within the book, including Course Presentation, Question Set, and Interactive Video. Further, when we edit ones that have already been created, we get error pages like the one I am attaching.
