
Save content state doesn't work in Audio content

I an using Moodle 3.1 and have Save content state set to on.

When I create and Audio resource linked to an MP3 file, the resource works. But if I play it partially then return to it, it goes back to the beginning.

Is this content type designed to retain playback information? If so how do I get it to work in Moodle?

If not, is it in the roadmap to add this feature?


Hotspot popup content: add audio

I am an ESL teacher using a picture dictionary as a textbook. The vocabulary words on the page are already labeled. I'd like students to be able to click on hotspots to hear their pronunciation.

Right now, since I can add a video but not audio to a hotspot popup, I have to do this through the following steps:

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Humorous and Educational Presentation

mbritt's picture

I really had fun with this presentation. I built an educational activity around the classic "Bag O'Glass" skit seen on Saturday Night Live back in the 70s. NBC won't allow the embedding of the video itself, but I took a few audio bytes and images from the video and built questions around it. Great reaction from my colleagues:

