Fill in the Blanks

Possible to present Fill in the blanks questions on separate pages?

mamboe29's picture

Dear forum, 

Completely new to H5P and not a programmer myself, possibly I am asking a silly question, but I'll have a go anyway.

I want to present fill-in-the-blanks exercises to learners in a content pilot, and what I have created thus far works really well.

However, what I wouild like is that the Learner is not presented with all sentences at once, but one at a time. Like e.g. with Survey Monkey questionnaires, the Learner could then click 'next' and be taken to a new page and the next question. 

Grrrr....cannot add fractions in a fill in the blank

Am trying to create an interactive math video. I have found that if I use a fill-in-the-blank, I cannot have an answer that is a fraction such as 2/3 because I assume the / in a response triggers something different. I hav correctly put in the text for the answer as *2/3* Yet, when you enter the response 2/3 in the blank it comes up as incorrect, but when you select 'show solution' it comes up as the correct answer 2/3.....hmmmmm.

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