Fill in the Blanks

Problem - answer with an apostrophe not accepted in Fill in the blanks

Eva Namur's picture


I've created an exercice with fill in the blanks. All the blanks with an apostrophe are not accepted.
I don't know why and I need the apostrophe otherwise the answer is not correct (grammar exercice).

I've seen in this forummessage ( so had the same problem but than it worked for this person.

"/" symbol in fill in the blank style question

Botttom Line Up Front: We need to be able to use the / symbol in an answer for fill in the blank style questions.

The question deals with subnetting and we need to be able to answer it with a network ID / CIDR notation.

Answer looks like this: " " but the fill in the blank content type sees that as or 24.

Is there a way to boolean logic & the two? Or maybe if we had a wildcard option in this content type (see previous post requesting this addition).

Thanks for your time!
