Course Presentation

Content unavilable error message when embedding content from

Hi All,

Since last Friday, a rather odd issue where embedded content is not available from, unless I am logged in with my h5p account. This means the student I build the content for cannot access the site.

This is not specific to my account; I set up another account to test the issue and have tried different content types and get the same 'Content Unavailable' message appearing.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Please see that attached screen shot.

Presentation Not Displaying

I have been creating in H5P for Canvas in Chrome and have had no issues. Today I created a Course Presentation called "Women & African Americans Fight for Freedom." When I embed it in my Canvas lesson, I can see the lesson but only because I am logged in to H5P.  However, it will not display if I am not logged into H5P, students get a "content unavailable" message. It seems like it set to be private to me, but this has never happened before. Is there a setting I can change so anyone can see it? Thank you!

Slide Views


I am looking to use Course Presentation instead of SCORM. We require our students to visit all slides. In SCORM students cannot move on until all slides have been viewed. If they try and cheat and only view one slide the course is not completed. Is it possible for  Course Presentation to have a setting to do the same thing?

Our students are adults and they tend to try and outsmart the system in online courses and skip the theory to go straight to the quiz.

Thanks in anticipation of your answer.


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