Interactive Video

GDPR and PECR regulations and the impact of setting cookies


Recent guidance published by the ICO (UK Information Commisioners Office) - is having a massive impact on cookie consent. This includes cookies dropped on the site by third parties such as YouTube.

Removing marker for question in interactive video


When creating an interactive video with an embedded question, a small pink circle over the progress bar to indicate the location of the question.  Is it possible to remove this marker?  Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of trying to hold students accountable to watching the whole video by inserting a question at a random point.  

Video not supported (CORS + HTTP basic authentication) - no authentication prompt


since one of the last updates, we don't get our videos to play successfully. 
Interactive videos created before the update still work. 

We thought it's solved by setting up CORS correctly, but it's still not working.
Our videos are protected by a basic HTTP Authentication using .htaccess but the dialog for the authentication does not appear, causing a 401 (Authorization Required) in the browser console. 
It seems that the compatibility with the basic authentication is broken since the CORS update. 
