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Mark the words stating types of forests in India (Upper primary level)
2017/09/28 – 11:29
How does a candle burn? (Upper primary level)
2017/09/28 – 11:32
Experiment with candle and water (Upper primary stage), Objective:To conclude: partial vaccum is created when hot gasses cool.
2017/09/29 – 09:30
Experiment with candle (Upper primary stage), Objective:To recognise that oxygen is essential for combustion.
2017/09/29 – 09:23
river story
2016/11/09 – 07:31
Story of air(Upper Primary),Objective:To learn about the composition and uses of air
2017/09/29 – 10:00
Combustible and Non Combustible substances(Upper Primary),Objective:To classify the materials as combustible and non-combustible
2017/09/29 – 09:22
Changing state of matter(Upper Primary),Objective: To learn solid,liquid,gaseous stages
2017/09/28 – 12:18
Methods of separation1(Upper Primary Stage),Objective:To choose the appropriate method of separation.
2017/09/29 – 09:37
Methods of separation (Upper primary stage) Objectives: To suggest the correct method of separation.
2017/09/29 – 09:38
Soluble and insoluble in water(Upper Primary),Objective:Solubility
2017/09/28 – 12:20
Changes around us(Upper Primary),Objective:Classify changes around us
2017/09/28 – 12:25
Cyclone (Upper Primary), Objective:Understanding types of cyclone
2017/09/29 – 07:55
Mark the names of the metals in the following text.(Upper Primary),Objective:To identify the metals from their appearance.
2017/09/29 – 09:33
Disappearing Beads(Upper Primary),Objective:Understanding Neutralisation
2017/09/28 – 12:17
Which acids are found in following fruits?(Upper Primary),Objective:To identify the main acids present in different fruits.
2017/09/29 – 09:40
Chemical and Physical Changes (Upper primary stage), Objectives: To identify the processes/type of changes taking place.
2017/09/29 – 09:21
Acids and Bases found in Substances(Upper Primary Stage),Objective: Acids and Bases
2017/09/28 – 12:12
History of textiles in India
2016/10/07 – 09:58
Acid base indicators (Upper primary) Objective: understanding Indicators
2017/09/28 – 12:33
Acid base indicators (Upper primary) Objective: understanding Indicators
2017/09/28 – 12:35
Insect Pollination
2016/10/05 – 09:11
Sheep to Shawl(Upper primary),Objective:Process of making woolen fabric
2017/09/28 – 12:52
Cotton ball to cotton fabric(Upper primary), Objective: Making of cloth from cotton
2017/09/28 – 12:57
Cotton ball to textile fabric(Upper Primary),Objective:Process of cloth making
2017/09/28 – 12:54