
Title Updated Link to edit content
Work experience - what stage are you at? 2018/05/01 – 16:23
Using H5P to enhance the employability skills of UK educated Chinese students 2017/05/24 – 09:26
Review your career plan 2017/03/23 – 13:15
Develop your skills - what skills can I develop from living in the UK? 2017/04/13 – 10:01
Creating your career plan - who can help you? 2017/03/30 – 13:23
Innovation: What are the world's most important innovations? 2017/03/09 – 14:27
Think differently: pizza restaurant 2017/03/15 – 14:58
Evaluating new business ideas - case studies 2017/03/21 – 16:41
Creating a win:win situation - how do you make everyone a winner? 2017/03/21 – 16:34
Evaluating new ideas - how do you know if you have a good idea? 2017/03/29 – 13:32
How can innovation support the creation of successful businesses? 2017/03/02 – 16:39
What's the value of a chocolate bar? 2017/05/24 – 11:02
Creating value - how can you create value from an everyday product or service? 2017/03/15 – 15:44
What type of innovator are you? 2017/03/21 – 16:10
Get Ahead Quiz 2017/03/30 – 13:53
Career Planning Jargon Buster 2017/04/13 – 09:47
Research your options - University timeline of activity - draft not complete 2017/03/02 – 13:20
Quiz: Your career as a picture - what picture would you chose? 2017/03/29 – 12:27
What skills can I develop from living in the UK? 2017/03/15 – 15:58
What skills can I develop from joining a club or society? 2017/02/27 – 14:41
What skills can I develop from my studies? 2017/04/12 – 16:05
Research Your Options - Case Study 2017/03/29 – 12:32
Understanding yourself: What kind of person are you? 2017/05/25 – 10:39
Landing page - coming to a UK university - draft - not complete 2017/03/09 – 11:13