
New content type: Memory game

The Memory game content type is now available under Examples and downloads. The goal of the game is to find all the matching pairs of cards as quickly as possible.

The learner starts with all cards facing down. As the first card is turned, the timer starts and the learner turns cards and pairs them up in a race against the clock. Try it yourself!

Content designers can easily create a Memory game by adding two or more images. It's super fast to create and fun to play. 

Summary content type

H5P comes with multiple content types designed to test learners’ knowledge within a certain topic. Examples are the Multichoice questions, Fill in the blanks and Drag & drop questions. In the H5P lineup of quizzing tools, we also find the Summary content type. Summary offers a multiple choice question experience with an exciting twist. 

How to use H5P for learning?

H5P is short for HTML5 Package and is a simple way to create and share rich and interactive web content. H5P is modular and consists of several content types and applications, specially designed for use in e-learning. 

H5P can be integrated with learning platforms and content management systems and allows teachers to create rich interactive content and students to experience them on laptops, tablets or smartphones. 

There are many content types useful for learning in H5P. Below are some of them.
