Course Presentation delete key exits without saving

vev1's picture

Hi guys

I'm using Course Presentation on Mac in Google Chrome in WordPress, latest versions of everything. I keep losing work and getting incredibly frustrated when I accidentally select an image and then hit the delete key, which then takes you back out of the h5p editor and you lose everything on that slide.

Would it be possible to fix please on next release?



falcon's picture

You mean the backspace delete key? Will look into fixing this. Others have reported the same kind of frustration with this problem. Will at least try to show a confirmation box.

vev1's picture

Hi yes, that's it. And you lose everything you were working on that hasn't been saved, not just on the slide. Saving is also awkward, because it takes you out of the editor and then you have to go back in to edit, which discourages you from saving often. 

I know it is an error on the user's part, but if it could be fixed that would be great.



falcon's picture


Sure Veronica, many have reported this problem. We'll probably add some autosaving quite soon.


21cccs's picture

Just wanted to also note that for us, pressing the delete button (we are using Mac and FireFox) activates the browser's Previous Page button instead of the delete button.

On a Windows keyboard there is typically 2 options, Back Space and a separate Delete button, however this is not the case on the Mac, so there is literally no way to delete something other than cutting it with Cmd X.

icc's picture

Thanks for letting us know! I've created an issue for getting this fixed as soon as possible: HFP-761

papi Jo's picture

Macintosh is so used to boast about its superiority over Windows that it's interesting to hear of its limitations in the case at hand!