5 Question Set improvements


The current quiz software that I am using has a few key features that would be really useful if added to the H5P Question Sets.  They are:

  1. A button in the settings allowing the question set creator to disable text copying of their quizzes (http://prntscr.com/eq00f8).  This won't eliminate copyright infringement but is a big help.  H5Ps "display copyright" option is a good first step. This will build on that initiative and further prevent 1000s of quizzes from being "easily" copied.  
  2. Allowing the quiz taker to select the # of questions they want to set.  Rather than have the quiz creator set this, it would be beneficial to allow the user to pick how many questions they would like to try from a question set pool.  If they have time for 5, 12, or 85 questions out of a pool of 100 questions, they can select based on their time constraints.  This is how it looks on the users end http://prntscr.com/epzyvw. 
  3. Allowing the quiz taker to mark a question for later reviewhttp://prntscr.com/epzv0x.  This is a feature that a lot of testing centres have and it would be great to add something like this. 
  4. Provide a certificate with person's name, score, date and company logo if they achieve a certain score.  Settings might look like http://prntscr.com/epzvym and certificate like http://prntscr.com/epzwie.
  5. A timer that counts down once the quiz starts.  It could be linked to the number of questions the user is trying.  Eg. 60 second x # of questions. 

If there is anything my webmaster can code to help bring some of these to life, please let me know the process and next steps. 

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tim's picture

Hi gsimo, all of the above is feasible depending on skill of your webmaster and the amount of time he/she has available (most of these would require a professional web development experience). I would recommend pointing him/her to the developer documentation

I can't guarantee that all these changes will be part of the official releases but the point of H5P is that it is customisable to your own needs, anything given back to the community is just a bonus!