Linking between to interactive videos.
I have just started using H5P editor, uploaded sample video, added some interactions. Now I wonder if you can do direct linking between two H5P videos.
So, for example I've got two videos. On Video A I place link, which will point to Video B. On Video B there is "Back" button. Now, I've done it with links interaction, but it have some drawbacks - everytime the user clicks on link it is opened in new tab, and loaded video is not autoplayed. I'm trying to change only player's video source and play it from beggining.
Something that you can find, for example at Youtube. When video playback finishes there are options to play another movie.
How could I achieve that? If not by editor itself, maybe I could manipulate with player via JavaScript.
Tue, 04/25/2017 - 09:47
Linking between H5P's is not
Linking between H5P's is not possible right now. The best you could do is perhaps link to the url and edit the code of interactive video to auto-play upon loading: