Translation to Danish

lovskov's picture


I would like to translate H5P to danish - can I get the languagefiles og find them somewhere. I use Wordpress - but want to translate the libraries also.


Poul Erik Løvskov

University College Sjælland

falcon's picture

Great! Yes, we're making a new release this week. We'll send you the files as soon as the texts are "frozen" and we'll add a patched version of the new release with danish translations as soon as you have them ready.
lovskov's picture

:) - looking forward to it.

lovskov's picture

Hi again - I have some spare time the next two weeks - do you thing I could get the language files soon - then I could translate them. I have started to translate the plugin.

uffepost's picture

If you could need some help with the translation, I would be delighted to help. :)

falcon's picture

Noted! We'll get back to you.
falcon's picture

It has taken a lot of time, but the files are finally ready. We're so sorry about the delay.

lovskov's picture

Hi Falcon

You posted a zipfile with translation files for the libraries - in march. I have had so much to do but now I have som free time. Should I use the same files or get some uptodate?  Im sure I can finish the translation In janurary.

falcon's picture

You need to get an update, but the guys who are working on this are on holiday so I'm afraid I won't be able to provide you with new files until january. I'll get back to you.
lovskov's picture

OK - Merry Christmas

falcon's picture

Merry Christmas :)
uffepost's picture

Hi Falcon

I was wondering if "the guys working on translation files" are back from holiday? ;) Is it possible, that you could provide "Lovskov" or me the files, so we can translate it into Danish?

icc's picture

Here are the files for translating the latest release of H5P into Danish.

lovskov's picture

Super I will begin next week.

uffepost's picture

I have been in dialog with @lovskov about the translation into danish some time ago. But we have not managed to get the translation done. Now I`m asking to take over on the project, and translate the files on my own. I need the newest translationfiles for H5P. Is it possible, that you guys could provide them for me here in the forum or somewhere else?


otacke's picture

You can always find the latest versions on github. Each content type has a folder called language where you should (in most cases) find a file called en.json that you can use as a reference for your da.json.

Please get in touch with me if you need some support. I could also need Danish translations, so I'm quite motivated ;-)

uffepost's picture

I tried using the Github and translated one file. I hope I did it all correct. Made a pull request here: 

I`ll move my way through the rest - its a Titanic-task :) 

otacke's picture

Yes, it's quite an effort, but maintaining translations might become a little easier in the future.

Thanks for your first contribution!

tim's picture

Good job :)
I've merged your translation in. It should be part of the next release. 

uffepost's picture

I`ll do some more in the next couple of weeks. 

otacke's picture

I guess I can also find someone among my Danish project partners to help out a little bit. We'd probably go for Interactive Video and the quiz components first.

uffepost's picture

Sounds great. If you do I think we should coordinate things? I definitely also need the new Hub translated.

otacke's picture

I guess splitting up would be easy then, because we'd rather need some of the frontend parts of H5P in Danish, not the backend parts where people create content. Anyway, since we're using github, we can just look out for pull requests that have already been created before starting a new translation.