Grades and summary slide

Currently, in a course presentation, no grades will transfer to Moodle unless the learner gets to the summary slide. This presents a couple of problems: 1.If you use surface navigation, or choose to hide the summary slide, then no grades will be recorded in Moodle. 

2. If you want to use an H5P for a little test, and disable the re-try feature (so learners on ly get one chance to get it right), but show the summary slide, the summary slide has an automatic re-try button (even tho you may have disabled the re-try feature). 

The request is to have scores transfer to Moodle in a different way, or have users be able to customize the summary slide so it does not include a re-try. 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

I agree that this is an important feature that can help a lot of users.


First thanks to BV52 for his response to the same issue that I just inquired about.

I just wanted to concur and "second" this feature request.


somewhere in these forums, someone said there was a way (by adapting a code line) to disable or hide the re-try button on the summary slide. If this is possible, I'd like to request that someone provide easy-to-follow instructions on how someone can do this. Thanks!

fnoks's picture


You could achieve this by including a CSS-file that contains the following:

.h5p-cp-retry-button {
  display: none;

How to include a CSS file is explained here:

Thanks very much!! I will try it. 

Hi Fnoks,

I would appreciate if you can also provide us with a line code to be able to hide the 'Show solution' button in the summary slide of the Course presentation activity?

Also, I wanted to ask you, would adding this code line to the style sheet hide all the Show solutions buttons across all the H5p activities, is there a way we can just add it to the summary slide?

Thank you for your help.