Button - Popup - Survey

I am new to H5P and have a question about surveys.  I have lessons on a Word Press LMS and all is working well. I'd like to have the learners reach the end of the section and have a button for the learner to click, a Popup open up and have the learners fill out the feedback form, at the end of the survey a submit button to click and the data emailed to an admin email account.  I would like to know if this is possible and how someone would approach the problem or if there is a better way of doing this.  Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.

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BV52's picture

Hi stoneturner,

I would say this would help creators, create better contents. There have been several requests similar to this here are some examples 1, 2, 3.

For now what you can do is if you are creating the lesson on a Course Presentation content you can create a link as a last slide and link it to a Questionnaire content that will let you create a survey type set of questions.


I would suggest, when using Wordpress, using Popup Maker, a free WP plugin as the popup of choice within the H5P authoring environment. This particular plugin separates itself from all that I have tested by allowing an H5P script to reside inside of a Form Maker popup container - examples athttp://talkingmanuals.com/wordweb-review-page/h5p-in-action/ and conversely, examples of Popup Maker use of H5P at: http://talkingmanuals.com/wordpress-plugins-reviews/wp-popups/

Form Maker and H5P are really made for each other by their complementry tools, well designed IDEs and rich output. You would think that each team were residing in adjacent suites at a 5 star hotel. To put it simply, these 2 scripts has increased the quality of life for those who author and the consumer alike.