Playing of video in the same page itself

I have upload a video using this H5p module in the course page.But there comes a link in the course section.i need to display the entire video in same page without clicking any links.

BV52's picture

Hi shija,

Can you please provide a screenshot of the issue or it would be better if you can attach the content here (less than 16 MB).



I am attaching the screenshot of specified issue.issue mainly concentrate in the red line  marked content in the that screenshot.

here we need the data in the same page itself without clicking any it is working like the data will show while clicking the corresponding likns .Is it possible to show the data in the same page without going to any other pages?

BV52's picture

Hi shija,

What you need to do is embed the H5P into the page. Here's a quick guide on how to do it.



Please help us to enable the embed option in h5p modules.

BV52's picture

Hi shija,

Embedding directly from Moodle is not possible yet, you can read more about it here. What you can do in the meantime is to create the conent in and imbed it in a pag created in Moodle as per instructions from my previous reply.
