Speak the Words: Ukrainian as the 'Language of speech input'

Can Ukrainian be added as the language of speech input please? It is a bit puzzling why it is missing since many Slavic languages (Polish, Slovak, Czech, Serbian, Russian) are present among the option? Thank you. This addition would be much appreciated.

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fnoks's picture


Speak the words is using a third party tool called annyang, which doesn't seem to support Ukrainian yet:

Let's hope they will add it in the future! 

Thank you for clarification and a very useful link. I have made a feature request on annyang's GitHub page. It seems that their list of supported languages is a bit outdated. They are using Chrome's Web Speech API (https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/demos/speech.html) and the API clearly supports quite a few more lanuages, including Ukrainian, than annyang's own list. Let's hope they make updates in the near future.

BV52's picture

Hi sergiyk,

Thank you for filling the request and you are right there are more languages in Google's list.
