Integration of H5P into our website


Hi All & H5P team, 

We are an educational website based in India and we are looking to integrate H5P into our website in a similar way as WordPress / Moodle plugin but we are facing issues 

1) There is no proper documentation as how we can integrate & customize

2) We plan to add analytical reports at the teachers end so that teacher can evaluate, so we need your help

Please guide us so that we can integrate into our website 




tomaj's picture


The best I can do is to point you towards the existing documentation.

  1. If you look at the Moodle/Wordpress/Drupal integrations, you can see that it is not a trivial matter to create a integration. If your system is php-based, you can take advantage of a lot of the code that is already there. And if your system is JS/Python based, there are already 3rd-party efforts out there for creating h5p integrations that you can have a look at.
  2. Make sure that 1. is feasable before starting this. If you have any questions, please feel free to use this forum to ask them, and someone will always respond to you.

Good luck!

- Tom

We are trying to integrate the H5P in CodeIgniter as a third party plugin but there is no any type of documentation or reference from where we can start it from scratch. Can you please give us live support via skype or any other communication channel so that we can address the problems that we are facing 

tomaj's picture


Like you said, plugin creation unfortionatly isn't documented end to end. And improving that documentaion is something on the todo list.

Since you're working with a PHP-based framework, there is plenty of code in place to help you get started. You should take advantage of these libraries:


I would also look into the Moodle, Wordress, and Drupal code, and steal what you can, from whichever is closed to your framework.

I also recommend looking into displaying H5Ps first, and then looking creation part later.

But creating H5P plugins is a big job. It might be talking a couple of hundred hours!

A good way of getting in touch with the core developers is trough the Slack channel.

- Tom

Hi Tom, 

Thanks for your reply, We need you to invite us on the slack team as we are unable to login into slack channel. Please send invite to &

tomaj's picture

Hi guys,

I sent to invites to the slack channel.

- Tom

otacke's picture

Hey, Tom!

Could you please send me an invitation, too?



tomaj's picture

Of course Oliver, I've sent an invite now.

- Tom

otacke's picture


Hello Tom,

Can you please add me on slack channel



BV52's picture

Hi Vrajesh,

The invitation has been sent. :-)


Hi , would you like send me an invitation too for the stack at

Thank you

BV52's picture

Hi deltanuts,

Invitation has been sent. :-)


cchantzis's picture

Can I have an invitation at

thank you in advance

BV52's picture

Hi chantzis,

The invitation has been sent. :-)


Can I have an invitation at

thank you in advance

BV52's picture

Hi guillaume,

I've sent the invite :-)


Hi  BV52,

can you send me the slack invitation?




BV52's picture

Hi Ashish,

I'm glad to do so. May I have the e-mail address to send to the invite to.


Hi BV52,

My Email is



BV52's picture

Invitation sent. :-)


Hi There,

could you pls send me a slack invitation?


BV52's picture

Hi rmumr,

Invitation sent :-)


Can I have an invitation at

BV52's picture

Hi Antonio,

Invitation sent :-)


castelmager's picture

Hi There,

could you pls send me a slack invitation?


BV52's picture

Hi castelmager,

Invitations sent. Enjoy! :-)


Hi BV52,

can you also invite me on the slack channel @ ?

BV52's picture

Hi nayan,

Invitation sent :-)


falcon's picture

We're limiting the number of channels where community members may request free support from the core team, and have now stopped providing support through Slack so that the core team may spend more time moving H5P forward and support provided by the core team may help more people more efficiently by being open and searchable in the forum

MichielRoos's picture


Please work WITH us (integrators) and not against us. People are bombarding you with support questions because the documentation is not sufficient. So please work on improving that.

Just saying: look at existing plugins is not enough

falcon's picture


Thank you for your feedback. Feel free to add a pullrequest with integration documentation. There are quite a few things that are "on top of our list". In the end we often have to prioritize funded activities and documentation is rarely among the things we're able to get funding for.