Interactive video, course presentation not loading

Some content is suddenly not showing anymore:

  1. Steps to recreate the bug: created new interactive video, course presentation and/or personality quiz and also tried uploading an example. Putted it in a page and in an unit of WPLMS. In all cases nothing shows up. An existing documentation tool does however work well.
  2. Error message if any: none
  3. Platform you're using: Wordpress latest version running WPLMS. Enabled en disabled W3 cache plugin and the bulletporff security plugin
  4. Mobile or Desktop: desktop
  5. Browser: Chrome, IE
  6. H5P plugin version: latest version. All versions are updated
  7. H5P content type version: interactive video, course presentation and personality quiz
  8. Screenshots if it's a visual problem

All three did work and were visible earlier. No new plugins are installed (except Bulletproof security plugin).

Tried the solution mentioned in: (adding code to wp-config.php and uploading example). Did didn't work.

 * @link

define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
define('H5P_DEV', true);
define('H5P_DISABLE_AGGREGATION', true);

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

Also after editing an H5P and click creating, it does not show an example of the created content. Even the documentation tool (which does show in an page!) is not showing after editing and clicking create (it doed however show the standard bar that's underneath the content).

Can anybody help me out?


not loading content
icc's picture


When viewing the H5P content after having saved it could you open your browser's console, Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome, and look for any error messages? This should give us a clue.

It sounds like the JavaScript files might no longer be loaded. Check to make sure that there hasn't been added a .htaccess file to any of the wp-content/uploads/h5p directories. I imagine that a security plugin might try to prevent the loading of JavaScript files from the uploads folder.

Hi there,

just added to screenshots of the errors. It indeed gives a few although I don't know what it means. Hope you can sort it out. Thanks.


icc's picture

As I suspected, this first error message(code 403) means that your web server is refusing the browser to load the files that are needed.
The rest of the errors comes as a consequence of the first.

You should check the uploads folder for a '.htaccess' file – the security plugin probably generated it. Removing it should solve the issue. 

You are probably right! Which extensions should be whitelisted for h5p to work? I do not want to delete everything...

And thanks a lot!


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*\.(7z|as|bat|bin|cgi|chm|chml|class|cmd|com|command|dat|db|db2|db3|dba|dll|DS_Store|exe|gz|hta|htaccess|htc|htm|html|htx|idc|ini|ins|isp|jar|jav|java|js|jse|jsfl|json|jsp|jsx|lib|lnk|out|php|phps|php5|php4|php3|phtml|phpt|pl|py|pyd|pyc|pyo|rar|shtm|shtml|sql|swf|sys|tar|taz|tgz|tpl|vb|vbe|vbs|war|ws|wsf|xhtml|xml|z)$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F]


# FORBID PHP FILES DISGUISED AS AN IMAGE FILE - example.php.jpg - example.PHP.jpg

<FilesMatch "\.(php|PHP|\.+(php)|\.+(PHP)).*$">

Order Allow,Deny

Deny from all


Franko's picture

Hello Doelpunt,

I would be very grateful if you could offer more details. I have exactly the same problem and I located the htaccess file but I don't see anything you mention. I attach an image of the htaccess. Can you give me a hand please? Thank you so much.

icc's picture

Hi Franko,

Your .htaccess file looks file, there must be some other reason why you're files aren't loading. Are you getting the 403 message in your browser? 

Franko's picture

Hello Doelpunt,

I would be very grateful if you could offer more details. I have exactly the same problem and I located the htaccess file but I don't see anything you mention. Can you give me a hand please? Thank you so much.


Found a solution. I was able to edit the htacces file and put the h5p folder on the whitelist. Now it works fine. Thanks a lot for your advice.

tomaj's picture

Awesome! Good to hear!

- Tom