Add Video Start/End times to Presentations

Often in a presentation, as a teacher or presenter you only want to show a specific part of a video. H5P has a few slide presentation tools but none of them seem to have a way to include a start and end time for an embeded video.

If I want to specify start and end times with a video, that's fairly simple now with this code:
Created with

However, there doesn't seem to be a way for H5P to use the embed links to YouTube videos.

Please let me know when it would be possible for this feather to be added. Thank you!

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BV52's picture

Hi aaronmoore,

I tried experimenting with the URL that you provided but it seems to wipe out the setting of start/end time. I think there really is a need to have this feature.



This would be great to have this working .

Is there any future development or way i can get this to work.

Cheers Dylan


BV52's picture

Hi Dylan,

Not form H5Ps end if we wil depend on feature from Youtube. YT does not include this feature in the API that H5P uses. The only way for this to happen is if someone in the community decides to create the code to make it work.