How to test "assistive technologies"

papi Jo's picture

Recently "assistive technologies" elements have been added to H5P activities. What does one need to install on one's machine/browser to test this feature?

tim's picture

Hey papi Jo! You'll need to install ChromeVox to Chrome or NVDA if you're using a PC. 

papi Jo's picture

Thanks for your reply. I've installed NVDA on my PC and started using it. I'll report in this thread my experiments etc.

BV52's picture

We'll look forward to that and thank you for the help :-)


papi Jo's picture

I have started experimenting with the NVDA screen reader and the Dialog Cards activity example on this site. Where should I report my remarks & findings; in this discussion or somewhere else?

EDIT: Perhaps I should report here: ?

tim's picture

Yes, that would be ideal. Thanks, Papi Jo.