Activities based on a reading passage?

I would like to create a variety of activities based on a single, very short, reading passage.  In general, I need to present some text to the student and build activities from it.  I am having difficulty applying H5P to my needs conceptually based on the examples on the site.

I am a volunteer ESL teacher/tutor for adults.  Very effective teacher in the classroom but not a trained educator and not very experienced with H5P.   I'd really like to see examples or learn about how anyone has done things using WordPress and H5P like:

  1. Activity based on reading passage on the same page as the passage so that they can refer to the passage to answer questions or activity.
  2. Activity based on reading passage that is not on the same page as the passage but the passage is easily available.
  3. Curious extra: Grouping/linking/navigating set of activities based on the same passage.  If anyone has a cool set-up in WordPress.  I've tried a few.

Big Picture: 
It's tricky because I teach low level ESL English for adults, not very or simply not computer literate, so I can't have wordy concepts/instructions and navigation. All of my students, any adults, adults with children, need computer experience.  That's my deep personal belief.  And most are very keen on it.  I like to present content from history, classic literature, and such too.  That is why I created my own network of sites for ESL.  

I have found that many ESL sites:

  • at low level English are for kids
  • have limited content and rote tasks based only on one sentence
  • require cultural literacy, ex. In the winter, blah blah _______. (snow, freeze, ice, a cold, snow boots, mittens.)  
  • assume computer literacy - difficult to get to activities, need plugins, require following instructions in English, cluttered and packed with ads around the content.


I value any input or links.  Thank you!



BV52's picture

Hi tonihb,

Course Presentation is a perfect fit for your project. You can insert a text content and have the question beside it or on the next slide. Here's a simple example of how I would create what you described above.


Thank you very much BV52!  

I appreciate your quick response and helpful link.  It's very overwhelming to parse thru all of the available methods in HP5.  So incredible.  I only know how to use a couple of HP5 things.  I'm excited to get started.  I've been so delayed with my projects.



Thank You BV52!  

Your sample work for a reading passage w/questions (available here) is ideal!  I uploaded the sample, it's perfect.  I had no idea how to even approach Course Presentation from a blank slate.  And the samples were too complicated conceptually.  Now I have a powerful shell to learn from.  Once I get something created I will post a link.  I have been delayed on my projects, it may be a while - like this reply. 



BV52's picture

Hi tonihb, 

You're welcome! 

If you have any further questions feel free to post in the forums :-) 
