Importing bookmarks

mronkko's picture


I am using the interactive video component to include lecture videos on a Moodle site. I have a list of bookmarks that I would like to add to the videos. This bookmarks list that I already have is a list of slides with the timestamp for the slide and the title of the slide. Is it possible to somehow upload this already existing list of bookmarks to the inteactive video content? 

I figured that I could do this by doing the following:

  1. create a new interactive video content video on the site
  2. downloading the h5p file
  3. editing the bookmarks stored in content/content.json
  4. uploading the h5p file back to the site

But is there a more convenient way to do this?


Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi Mikko!

We don't have a better way, but it shouldn't bee too complicated for someone in the community to write a script that does the job (doing what you're doing, but automatically). Maybe someone is going to pick up the idea.


mronkko's picture

Thanks. I assumed that to be the case. Fortunately it is not too difficult to just create the h5p files programmatically on my computer based on the bookmarks and video links that I already have.


otacke's picture

Thumbs up!