New Content Type: Matching

I would love you see a "Matching" Content Type in H5P.

In this content type, I create sets of matching information and the user can connect the correct pairs.

- Pair might be text+text (probably the easiest one to create), text+image, text+audio, etc.

I have quickly created an example image of how the content type could look like:

New Content Type: Matching
Issue Status: 
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
tomaj's picture

I really like your idea! Thanks for sharing!

- Tom

Hi Tom

Last year I saw a post on twitter about you matching game LOTR. I wondered what happened to this and what needs to be done to get this from GitHub to be considered an addition to the H5P Content features.

Thanks for your continued support to the community


otacke's picture

Hi Gideon!

That content type is one of the "coolness projects" that we work on when there's time next to regular work or in our spare time. It is working quite well, but some kinks may have to be ironed out. I can't give you a date when that will be done, unfortunately. We're still hoping that more people in the community might join us with coding. If someone is interested in completing "Matching":


I definitely second this very important content type. ..

There are several threads on 'matching', but people seem confused about the precise type of activity.

This is about matching pairs of items. There is only one solution when each is matched with its correct partner. This is a standard recognition activity in 2nd language teaching. Plus, the puzzle aspect  (only one solution) allows sts to use what they recognise/know, to solve any remaining pairs. 


Simple example / critical response language (second column would be jumbled):

Homer argues / that ice-cream is beneficial to health.

Homer discusses / the benefits of ice-cream for health.

Homer's claim / that ice-cream is beneficial is unconvincing. 

It was possible to create this type of interactive matching activity 10 years ago using apps like Hot Potatoes. Very simply.

This is a major gap in the H5P suite of activities. I have tried rigging Drag and Drop to do this, but it is laborious and not really fit for purpose. 





BV52's picture

Thank you for the input scotty.

Ages ago (October) I picked up on a tweet about Matching which I added as a comment to a blog post about H5P in CanvasLMS  It showed a (beta version/prototype) of a Matching game involving Lord of the Rings. I contacted the designer (Ottake) shortly after this but have heard no more. I onder what happened? It looked almost good to go...!

otacke's picture

Credit where credit is due: The matching game was done by Tom Arild Jakobsen, not me -- and I guess you contacted him? You can find the source code on github and it seems to be working indeed.

papi Jo's picture

Installed the h5p-matching activity on my local H5P/drupal test site. It works fine except for one apostrophe issue which I have reported on the H5P github.

On examining the source code I am surprised to not recognize the JS usual code that I am used to. Is this because it's a prototype or does it mean there is a new style of coding for H5P?


otacke's picture

Hi Papi Jo!

It looks unfamiliar, because Tom used the framework Vue that makes creating user interfaces easier.



papi Jo's picture

Thanks Oliver,

I'll have a look at Vue. My question again is: does this mean Tom used the Vue framework for prototyping h5p.matching or is this going to be the standard way of developing new h5p activities from now on? What about existing activities?

otacke's picture

Hi Papi Jo!

There's no standard way. There are a couple of content types that don't require a complex user interface, and using a special framework wouldn't make sense really. And we'll not rewrite existing content types just for the fun of it ;-) On the other hand, there are things that can be developed much quicker with some support by a framework. For example, the content type hub uses React, and we are using React to create the visual editor for Branching Scenario, too. And no, we will not prototype something using a framework and then build it again in plain JavaScript.


How to upload zip file in my wordpress site?

otacke's picture

Hi glisapn!

Downloading the archive won't give you a runnable version. Github is used for sharing the source code that developers can use to build the package as described in the readme and then they can either run it directly on a test server or you'd have to use the H5P CLI tool to build a library package.



Thank you otacke.

Since I'm not a programmer, I'm curious how I can install this content type in my wordpress site?

otacke's picture

Hi glisapn!

Since you're stating yourself that you're not a developer, you probably shouldn't as this version has not been reviewed or tested - otherwise it would have been released.



Does anyone know why there is no progress in this amazing feature we all need ?

Does anyone know the progress of this amazing project. When will it be ready for use ?

BV52's picture

Hi agrigor1,

I'm afraid there are no updates yet for this. As Otacke mentioned above this is a "coolness project" that the core team works on on their spare time.


Hi there, I have used the H5p card matching game for a lesson on multimodality in Moodle, but I can't enlarge the size of the cards, they are so small that it is difficult to read and see what the content is, and therefore to play the game. In the false or wrong game you can upload content, and it can be shown in real size, is this a problem of Moodle or is there some trick to tackle this problem? I have attached a screenshot, 

best STefania (digital rebel)

Any progress on this?

Any progress on this yet? 

This really isn't a "coolness" or spare time kind of project; it's a basic necessity for developing learning objects for educational quizzing. Every few months I get a course where this is needed, and I keep coming to H5P assuming there's an option and remembering that there's not.  Matching is one of the most basic types of questions in all quizzing tools, and to be able to do it visually would be a real "win" for H5P.

I'm puzzled why there hasn't been a solution in 2+ years for this basic need, yet there are lots of other new interactive types that are "cool" yet rarely and uncommonly needed.

There are other tools (like SoftChalk) which offer it, but I'd rather use H5P and our LTI integration with our LMS.

otacke's picture

Hi WildcatTech!

If you want to use the aforementioned "Matching" content type (source code has been available right from the start), you can download the sample content from and upload it to your platform, but it still has not been officially released, so you will not get any support for it.

Luckily, the pedagogical principle behind "Matching" can be used with other content types, too, e. g. Drag and Drop or Drag the Words.

As to you being puzzled: H5P is an open project. There's only so much the H5P core team can do, but anyone is invited to contribute. Unfortunately, the demand for a "Matching" content type doesn't seem to have been high enough for anyone to come up with one or to raise funds to let someone create one, or ...


Hi Oliver,

Is it ok for anyone to download and edit the Text und Text from the link you provided?


otacke's picture

Hi Pauliina_10!

Do you mean my blog post? Sure! At the bottom of the page there's a CC0 license note which basically means that you can do whatever you like with texts from my blog.




I've downloaded the matching examples from (thank you Oliver!), but when I upload into our hosted site, I receive an error stating "Validating h5p package failed - missing main library H5P.Matching 1.0". Could you advise what we need to do to get this working? Also, it would be great if this content type would be included in the default list - how can we get more people to vote on it?

Many thanks, 

otacke's picture

Hi Carola!

Here's your explanation:

I doubt that H5P Group will give releasing that content type high priority any time soon. The reason is still the same one that I described in that blog post that you referenced.


Thank you Oliver!

Thank you Oliver!

This is a super tool, Oliver. 

I really like it. I would also like to use it in an interactive book. That doesn't work for me. Any ideas?



otacke's picture

It is not my content type, and H5P Group has shelved it meanwhile. So neither will it officially be released nor included in any other content type.