Video Interativo

Good Morning! I would like it to use a vedio embed that opens perfectly in moodle but in H5P, installed in Moodle does not open. Do you have any resolution for this?
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Good Morning! I would like it to use a vedio embed that opens perfectly in moodle but in H5P, installed in Moodle does not open. Do you have any resolution for this?
BV52's picture

Hi Hildesill,

I'm not sure I follow. Can you please elaborate what you would like to accomplish.


I can not use VIMEO in the interactive video. Do you have any other options?
BV52's picture

Hi Hildesill,

You can use Vimeo videos by following the instructions in this thread.



Eu fiz um vídeo interativo para usar como um tutorial de outra atividade do H5P e gostaria de saber porque o vídeo interativo não pode ser salvo como mp3? Eu usei outra ferramenta para gravar e disponibilizar para os alunos ... como gravar em mp3?

BV52's picture

Hi Hildesill,

I'm afraid this is not possible. Interactive videos cannot be download as MP3 since MP3s cannot handle the interactive contents.

Receio que isso não seja possível. Vídeos interativos não podem ser baixados como MP3, pois os MP3s não podem manipular o conteúdo interativo.


Well, I can not attach the vise here, but a serious idea to use as a tutorial. I used an H5P tool and recorded a screen and a feature with Ispring and downloaded it as a tutorial. An idea would be this, I do not know if I made it clearer.
BV52's picture

Hi Hildesill,

Yes you can do that as a workaround and thank you for the suggestion.
