h5p-cli or h5p-hub-client

castelmager's picture


We started trying to use h5p-cli in order to create content in a standalone, but seems tobe deprecated, and now we are playing with h5p-hub-client


We are trying to run in but we have several erros  like missing files :

index.html:122 Failed to load file:///test/language/en.js


Uncaught TypeError: H5P.HubServices is not a constructor

   at index.html:100

(anonymous) @ index.html:100

Are we missing something ?



thomasmars's picture

The hub client is not created to be run standalone, it is a component used within H5P Core: https://github.com/h5p/h5p-editor-php-library/blob/master/scripts/h5p-hub-client.js

The h5p-cli server command used to work at some point, but has not been kept up to date, so it is not currently working. We would love pull requests for an up-to-date version though.

Unfortunately this means we currently have no official tool for creating standalone H5P content. I suggest setting up a local H5P enabled site and create the content there. To get started follow: https://h5p.org/installation

Best regards, Thomas

serettig's picture

I'm currently trying to update the cli server to allow get the editor working again. You can watch my progress on GitHub. Viewing H5P content types works all right, but the editor is more complex and probably will still require some time.