H5P module translations of its content in Totara

Hi everyone,

we are currently using H5P module in Totara elearning and we need to have almost 20 language versions, H5P module is core for our lessons from which our users are learning, we need to have simple way how to translate all the texts strings from our H5P slides, but we didnt find a way, is here possibility to have this functionality in H5P or somehow pay custom development to have it?


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Piero,

For funding of feature development please reach out to the core team directly through the contact form. I suggest that you place "Funding for development" in the subject. 

In the meantime I have moved this post to the Feature Request forum.


Hi BV52,

well i dont know if its something that already exists or not. So its something its not developed yet and there is no possibility to have language versions of H5P slides? 

BV52's picture

Hi Piero,

This option does not exist yet but it is not impossible. We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


Allright, thanks for answer! Is here a list where i can find possible contacts for developers that could help me to build this feature? Because its very needed for completation of the project. 

BV52's picture

Hi Piero,

I'm sorry there isn't a list of developers but someone in the community may piggy back in this conversation and contact you. Alternatively you can go to the link above and send a request to the core team so that you can get a quote for funding this request.


Allright, thanks for info, hope somebody will help me :)

Will H5P work with Totara 14, is there any expected challenge if you are using Totara 12 that works with H5P and need to migrate your platform to Totara 14?