Problem - answer with an apostrophe not accepted in Fill in the blanks

Eva Namur's picture


I've created an exercice with fill in the blanks. All the blanks with an apostrophe are not accepted.
I don't know why and I need the apostrophe otherwise the answer is not correct (grammar exercice).

I've seen in this forummessage ( so had the same problem but than it worked for this person.

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Eva,

Would mind sharing the link to your content or attach the H5P here so that we can check.


Eva Namur's picture

thanks for your reply. 
The problem is solved. I just wrote the text in H5P, not past from word and it was ok.

BV52's picture

Hi Eva,

I'm glad you found the solution. I can only assume that there are some formatting that was brought in from Word which is causing the issue. Anyway if you have additional questions feel free to post in the forums.
