Creation of a 1-10 rating system in interactive video

Hi Im trying to create an interactive video usecase for Rap Battles on youtube - I want to create a interaction so that at any point in the video a viewer can rate the Bar that was just said between 1-10. Viewers can rate/vote an unlimited amount of times throughout the video & the winner of the battle is decided by which rapper recieved the most amount of ratings. Essentially the rating would be a data collection tool that would produce an A or B result based on the total amount of ratings recieved in sections 1,3,5 of the video as compared to sections 2,4,6 (The 6 Sections being each rapper's round in a 3 round battle).  Can anyone assist me with creating this? Not sure if i can do it with the Drag & Drop element or maybe the single choice element or if its even possible to do it within the interactive video (maybe im better off just creating the rating mechanism & embedding it alongside the video?) 

New H5P Usecase for rating rap battles

Heres the mockup version i tried to create using the drag & drop element which didnt work. But provides a visual example of what im trying to create.


BV52's picture

Hi Randy,

You will be faced with a very specific issue, H5P contents do not have a way of separating the scores per question. The scoring is sent as one and although it will have a breakdown (depending on the LRS you are using), there isn't a code that will automatically set a "grouping" of the question. If you can find an LRS plugin that will let you pull data for example as a CSV file or excel file so that you can run simple macros that will automatically separate the scores from one participant to the other. You can read more about scoring for H5P in the documentations below:



Ok so i've registered for Scorm Cloud LRS & installed the xAPI plugin on my wordpress blog. How should I begin the process? Sorry im not much of a developer myself. Im willing to pay for development if you're available or know someone who might be.

BV52's picture

Hi Randy,

I'm afraid my coding skills are novice at best but if you leave your e-mail information here. Someone with experience similar to what you need may contact you.


Sounds great thanks for your input though! Deff gave me a technical sense of how to achieve it & more! my email is [email protected] if anybody reading this can assist with this developement Im willing to compenstate for your work please email me!