how can we use H5P in our Brightspace LMS - is there a cost to do this?
Submitted by SSafi on Thu, 01/10/2019 - 22:44
Hello, My institution has Brightspace and we want to use H5P. We would use it on our own server and LMS. I have scoured the internet but can't find a definitive answer on how to do this. Do we need Drupal to accomplish this? If so, aren't Drupal and H5P free? One of the articles pointed us to to request a 30-day trial in order to access what we need to integrate H5P with our LMS. Is this correct? Is there a way to bypass the credit card field if we are not using So H5P isn't free? I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you so much. - Sofia
how to setup H5P in Brightspace LMS
Fri, 01/11/2019 - 04:14
Hi Sofia,To make it easier to
Hi Sofia,
To make it easier to explain let me provide some information regarding both and
I hope this helps if you have other questions feel free to post it here.
Tue, 01/15/2019 - 20:43
More info needed, please
Thank you for your response. The difference is clear and I appreciate the explanation. So we will use H5P in Brightspace. We do not need the hosting or other services provided through What is unclear to me is if there is a cost with this. I want to integrate H5P into Brightspace, which I thought would be free. Do you know if that is the case? Brightspace's page on this says that H5P can be integrated directly into Brightspace using LTI. However, we can determine if Drupal is still needed to make this happen. Do you know? Additionally, the our team has looked at the info available on H5P's site and it leads us to which requires a credit card to setup the integration. Why do we need to go to the .com site if we aren't using the .com services but rather using our servers and LMS? Thank you for very much for your help.
Wed, 01/16/2019 - 06:48
Hi Sofia,You can choose to
Hi Sofia,
You can choose to use H5P without subscribing to This can be done by hosting your own content by using one of the supported frameworks and Dupal is one of them. Then you use the embed code that can be generated from the content. You will then insert this code in Brightspace where it accepts rich text formatting. Since you are embedding this as an iFrame you won't be able to retrieve the scores generated by quiz type activities.