Access to the recordings in Audio Recorder Activity and automatic grading in Moodle

Dear H5P Community,

I am excited to be a part of the improvement process of the H5P activities. Please see below the description of the problem and the desired feature to have regarding the H5P Audio Recorder Activity. 

Current description of the H5P Audio Recorder Activity:

Audio Recorder activity is implemented in one of the higher institutions in foreign language class on Moodle LMS platform. Students are recording the voice to complete a task. Right now, students are only able to play their recording back immediately and/or upload it. Recording is not being saved anywhere and cannot be accessed when the page is closed. Instructors cannot access the recordings and thus grade the activity. The recorded activity also does not generate a grade in the gradebook in Moodle. 

Suggested feature:

Instructors will highly appreciate having the feature of accessing the audio recording in order to hear them and grade. This is especially desirable for language instructors who check the pronunciation and need to be able to access the recording any time after it is done by students. Instructors will also want to see the grade associated with the activity in the gradebook in Moodle.   

Thank you very much!


Sabina Hajizada

make the recording files in Audio recorded activity saved and available for grading
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Sabina,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


This option is now available?

BV52's picture

Hi Mattia,

I'm afraid no one has picked up this project yet.


grackle's picture

I support this feature request.  In particular, I'm interested in having the audio file save to a location within an LMS rather than the need to be stored on H5P servers.

gervnono's picture

This feature is really important and needed. Is the great H5P team, planning to work on it, yet ?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards

BV52's picture

Hi Everyone,

There are no plans yet from the H5P core team to implement this feature. The good news is H5P is open sourced so anyone in the community can develop or help fund the development of features.