Disable Retry Button for Quiz Results view in the Quiz (Question Set) type

I'm not sure if the Content Creation Topic is where this belongs, I can change it if needed...
Question: Is it possible to disable the Retry button located at the end of the Quiz (Question Set) type? see the screenshot attached.

I have tested by de-activating/unchecking all of the "Retry button options" in the given H5P Activity settings. I have tested using both Firefox and Chrome. My H5P plugin activities are all up-to-date for their updates. It works for disabling the "Retry" buttons on the individual questions, but it still displays at the Quiz results summary view.

Any suggestions?

- Lang

Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi Lang!

That is indeed not possible right now, but I just created the required code and created a pull request for that feature. If my suggestion is merged into the official repository and released, you'll be able to use it.


BV52's picture

Thank Oliver. I created a task for review here.


BV52, is it possible to fast-track this feature code inclusion to the current H5P Question Set code? We're in desparate need for this to fullfill our use-case.

BV52's picture

Hi Lang,

I'm afraid all pull requests go through a certain process before they are merge into the production version. I think Oliver actually still have a few more requests that has ot been merged to this day. I apologize for the delay the core team will review this as soon as possible.


Thanks for the quick turn around on updating the question set js and language json files!! I'm going to implement this in our sandbox and if it's all good, then over to our production.

otacke's picture

Hi Lang!

You're welcome. Just keep in mind that you will have to patch the library again if it gets an update without the pull request being accepted and merged in. Don't know if and when that may happen, because the core team seems to be pretty busy.



Thanks for the quick turn-around on updating the question set js and language json files!! I'm going to implement this in our sandbox and if it's all good, then over to our production.