Youtube parameters on wordpress plugin for interactive video

Mredodos90's picture

is possible to accept this Parameters in the video interactive loader  ? 


i need to remove youtube button share ecc, for example if i pass this link to video upload in the wordpress h5p plugin not working and the normal videoplayer is loaded.

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otacke's picture

Hi Mredodos90!

H5P doesn't use the EmbedAPI as it does not support adding your own controls. H5P uses the IframePlayer API and has set all "debranding" parameters to the max already.



Mredodos90's picture

as you can see from the screenshot your player doesn't take anything away from the youtube video.


how can I make a video "anonymous" avoiding that the user can reach it on youtube?

otacke's picture

It doesn't  because the IFrameAPI has a different set of features and has even lost some over the years. And it is not my player ;-)

You can't make the video anonymous. The best you can do is to have it unlisted.


Mredodos90's picture

as you can see from the screenshot your player doesn't take anything away from the youtube video.

how can I make a video "anonymous" avoiding that the user can reach it on youtube?