H5P in Canvas without LTI


My team is working on a professional development training project and we're planning to use Canvas Free For Teachers (FFT) to host the training materials. The FFT only has basic Canvas features and does not support LTI. Is it possible for us to create interactive videos on H5P and embed them on Canvas pages without having the LTI? something like getting an embed code from H5P that we can paste to Canvas html?



BV52's picture


Yes this is possible but not advisable. H5P.org is intended to try out H5P and not for creating actual contents that will be used in production. Furthermore there are plans to disable embedding of newly created contents in the near future. 

What I suggest is either you sign up for H5P.com or host your own contents using 1 of the 3 supported frameworks.


Thank you! So if I create new contents in WordPress, will I be able to embed an interactive video from there to Canvas? Do you plan to disable the embedding feature no matter where the contents are hosted?

BV52's picture


Yes you can embed from Wordpress please take note that you need to host the WP site in HTTPS emebdding H5P contents will not work if you embed from an HTTP site.

The planned disabling of emebedding is in H5P.org only and will not affect self hosted sites.
