Drag & Drop results limited to max. five?

I am just walking my first steps with H5P and I am really exhited about the possibilities. My first trial is a drag & drop question and I am just struggling about the number of results being showed at the end of the task. In my trial there are six draggables but the results never show more than five. You can try here - place 6 draggables in the dropzone and finally click "Überprüfen":


As I couldn't find any hint to this limitation anywhere in the documentation: where is my mistake?
Thank you!





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BV52's picture

Hi osa19,

What you see at the bottom are the "feedback" that you placed inside each drop zone. I am assuming that there are some that doesn't have a feedback in place. When I tested your content I drag and dropped 6 draggables but it only showed 4 feedbacks which means 2 of these doesn't have any feedback in place. Checking the content "feld16" does not have a feedback set into it and there could be more.


Thank you so much, BV52, for testing and bringing me to the right direction. Your assumption was absolutely right. Everything is as it should be now.

Thankful regards!


BV52's picture

Hi osa19,

You are welcome and if incase you have other questions feel free to post in the forums.
