Course presentation activities not loading after refreshing the page
Dear H5p team,
Following the last update you did of the Course presentation activity, I have come across with a problem that happens in the course presentation activities I have created, both in Moodle and in Wordpress.
After I go through the activities in the course presentation and I reach the summary slide, if I refresh the page, the course presentation activity does not load again. It just comes as an empty grey frame in Wordpress and in Moodle as a blank page (see screenshots).
At first, I thought it could be related to a problem with the Moodle settings but when I uploaded the activity in my Wordpress site and it did the same I thought this could be a bug since it started happening just after the last 15th of Agust release (2019).
I tried to clear the cache, signed with a different user account to see if the activity at least loads when a different user is logged in. I also tried using different browsers, chrome, safari, and Mozilla and enable/disable the Show "Show solution/retry" button in the summary slide' buttons, but it happens, either way, once the activity is performed once, it won't load again.
To get the activity to load again I need to go to edit mode, save the activity again and then the activity loads again showing the message: 'This content has changed since you last used it. You'll be starting over.'
Please notice that this issue seems to happen randomly, sometimes you refresh the page and the activity loads but sometimes it doesn't. I have been trying to find a logic to it, but I can't find a common pattern. It seems to especially take place when you go through every single slide of the presentation until the end and right after reaching the summary slide refresh the page.
I thought it could be that it was doing it because I refresh the page just straight away after completing the presentation but I also tried to give it a bit of time, complete the whole presentation and then move on to do different activities and then come back to the main course page and click on the activity and again it won't load.
I am a bit worried because this means that once one student has had a go at completing the activity, since the course presentation won't load any more, no more students will be able to access it, at least I keep going to editing mode and saving the activity over and over again.
I am not sure why this could be happening, but like I said it started behaving like this once I updated the plugin and the content libraries in the last 15th of August update, both in Moodle and in Wordpress.
Thanks for your help.
Sun, 08/25/2019 - 22:49
Hi again,I disabled the 'save
Hi again,
I disabled the 'save content state' option from the my Wordpress site settings and now after I refresh the page it seems to load the activity without a problem. I couldn't disable the save the content state from the Moodle site because I don't have administrator access.
Do you think that could be the reason the course presentation activities failed to load after refreshing the page? If so can this be fixed?
Mon, 08/26/2019 - 18:51
Hi Nuria,I answered your
Hi Nuria,
Thank you for the additional information, I answered your other post prior to seeing this. I will try to reproduce the issue on my end and get back to you with the results.
Tue, 08/27/2019 - 08:49
Same Problems in Drupal 7 and 8
After newest update (Version 16.08.2019) same and lot other Problems in Drupal. CP-Modul show empty side after finishing and refreshing. Lot of problems with uploads. System in 7 and 8 are not able to read the data. (see attachment).Just new content cannot be upload again "as example" for a new cp-content. We use the file direct from our server (not as download-file from the content).
Also copy and paste function did not work only for cp-modul. Same problems exist in drupal 7 and 8, we use both on two different sites. And there comes next problem: Transfer from 7 to 8 site works, from 8 to 7 on this modul (and some other, interactive-book) did not always work.
Next problem only in 8: In cp not possible to change the content after finishing. Save your changes is not possible.
Of course, both systems are for all other modules "up to date". As the greatest producer for H5P-Content in Germany, we what we do, and have to take very complicated ways, to us our declared samples and to transfer between both servers, and at the moment we make no changes on 8, we always make new content with the export-file and make changes during adding this new content. Complicated!.
Mon, 08/26/2019 - 18:58
Thanks for your response,Just
Thanks for your response,
Just wanted to write you some other things that I have noticed:
I have realized that issue is happening when the 'Save content state' feature is on (both in Wordpress and in Moodle) First of all I have noticed that this feature is not working properly in Course presentation, in some presentations the users' answers are not saved, while in others are saved. In the presentations where this feature does not work, when I refresh the page, the course presentation does not load. To make it load again, you need to go to edit and re-saved the presentation. When I turn off the Save content state (in my WordPress site), or when I log in as a guest in Moodle, there is no problem loading the activity. So, this is definitely related to the feature Save content state in Course Presentation.
Below, I have uploaded a file of one of the course presentation activities where this issue is happening, you may want to use this file to see if there is something specific about it that it's causing the problem (although it is happening with most of the course presentation activities I have created) I can also provide an URL of the my Wordpress site, but for you to be able to see what is happening, you should be logged in as a user (as the save content state only words for signed-in users). If you give me an email address, I can create a user account for you and provide you with a link so you can see the activity not loading in my WordPress site.
Tue, 08/27/2019 - 04:25
Facing the same issue in Moodle
I am running into the same issue on Moodle 3.7.1. I was calling the Moodle H5P activity over LTI, and thought that might be the problem. But it also happens when I access the course directly on the Moodle site.
The students can see the course presentation once, and then it disappears.
I was able to capture the following javascript error on the console when the course presentation doesn't loadL
: Unable to get property 'find' of undefined or null reference
c75cb9bb5048cbd0ee8028f05fe2200b8b0b1938.js (2187,36831)
When I inspect that error, it takes me to lines 2185 and 2186 of the script:
return JoubelUI;
Tue, 08/27/2019 - 18:38
Hi All,Thank you for the
Hi All,
Thank you for the information. This has been fixed just update the libraries for Course Presentation.
Wed, 08/28/2019 - 14:12