Rich text support

Support for rich text in as many content types as possible is my wish. This has already been developed for most content types at, but it would be great if this became available for the whole H5P community. In addition, it would be great to add KaiTi fonts for Chinese script, as the default font now does not look good. This is also a solution already custom made for NDLA, but as more developers of Chinese learning materials are starting to use H5P (for instance one of the biggest on Chinese learning in the US, Cheng & Tsui), this is a feature that will be appreciated by a growing number of users.

I think NDLA might be willing to co-fund a project like this with 30%. Anyone else willing to provide some funding?

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi olepf,

Thank you for starting this, I hope you get enough support for your project.