
mauriel's picture

I really like using H5P in Wordpress. I've created awesome exercises. Now I'd like to use iframe code of my exercises in Moodle pages but it doesn't work. I could embed my whole Wordpress page with H5P content in iframe but it is not very beautiful. Would it be possible to have only the body of the page created in wordpress with H5P content and embed it in a Moodle page ?

thomasmars's picture

Glad to hear you enjoy using H5P!

You should be able to embed exercises from your Wordpress server in Moodle through the <> embed option at the bottom of an H5P (as long as you have it enabled).This user-created video shows the steps really well: Embed h5p content in wplms

The community is also creating a Moodle plugin of H5P, so hopefully we can look forward to that in the near future! :) 

falcon's picture

We've been recommended to add LTI support for before doing a Moodle plugin since Moodle sites often isn't updated frequently and H5P is moving forward quite quickly. A Moodle site that hasn't been updated the last 3 months probably wouldn't be able to use the latest H5P libraries.

The idea is that Moodle users could then use to create their content and embed it in Moodle using the "External Tool". Grades would then be recorded in the users grade book.

So the main advantage would be that Moodle users would always have access to the latest stable versions of the H5P content types without having to worry about updates. The biggest draw backs would be having to log in to two different sites, and less customization options. To begin with it wouldn't be possible to change the styling for instance.

Any thoughts here?

I already commented on this in the H5P blog, but I'll do it again here to give my comments more visibility.

Our university policy (also due to our data protection laws) requires that all content be stored in-house. And having to log in to an external server would be another hurdle for our users.

Regarding the update frequency : our Moodle server is not updated frequently (at most once a year). However, we can (and do) update Moodle plugins much more frequently (we could imagine updating a H5P plugin every month if that's necessary, although we wouldn't always need the most recent libraries).

Based on the above, we would definitely prefer a solution with a local Moodle plugin containing all the necessary H5P libraries.

Jacques (from Switzerland)


Dear Jacques

We use h5p content in our moodle site via the embed option and have no problems.

Users in moodle do not have to log in to the h5p site if you set it up properly.

We have a drupal site exclusively set up for that, which makes our content 'in-house'.

If you want more details, please get in touch.


Hi @paulteach are you just embedding H5P content (from your Drupla site) in your Moodle course, or are you doing something in addition? Your post refers to more details...

Best regards

Hey Richard

In our Drupal site, we configured permissions so that anonymous users can see published content (People > permissions), so users of the embedded content in the Moodle site don't have to log in to view and use content created there.

We h5p create content in our Drupal install.

Once the content is ready and published, we copy the embedding code and then disable the 'download button' and the 'embed' options (Edit > h5p options) so our students do not download the resource or copy the code and embed elsewhere.

We create a web page resource (not an activity) in Moodle and paste the code of the h5p object onto it, so all h5p content in our Moodle site is a resource of the page type.

That's it.

Get in touch if you need more help!


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the explanations. Your solution indeed solves the "in-house" problem. However, I don't think it would be feasible at our university. First, we would have to set up and maintain a Drupal install just for H5P (not such a big deal in itself, but that would be in addition to all our other servers). Also, we have hundreds of teachers in Moodle, and we'd have to manually manage permissions for them in Drupal (duplicating what we already do in Moodle). And our teachers would have to learn at least a bit of Drupal (when they are already struggling with Moodle ;-). So we'd really prefer a solution where everything is done inside Moodle.



Hi all, thought I'd jump in on this.  (As a seasoned Moodler, teacher and developer and with my grass roots firmly in Moodle).  Here are my arguments for an LTI integration first rather than a Moodle plugin (although I do fully appreciate some organisations will still want to do it all on Moodle).

  • Whether we like it or not...The future of Moodle is moving towards a SAAS Model (think MoodleCloud or Moodle Partners).  Google Classroom and Canvas are taking market share each day, SAAS is growing and "The Cloud" is now a reality.
  • Clients cannot simply install their own third-party plugins. So if an H5P plugin came out today, there would be so many people who simply couldn't use it. With LTI, we could all use it now.
  • One of Canvas's biggest strengths is the EduApps website (Open LTI content for Canvas).  And many of it works in Moodle too because it's LTI.  See  Teachers love to explore, find and grab stuff they can teach with.  Imagine an Open LTI platform agnostic content site for H5P? That would be truly exciting.
  • LTI would massively grow the H5P user base, we may even get commercial content from some of the big education content publishers (Pearson et al..)

Then who knows...maybe a Moodle plugin could be released in the future.  

Hope this offers a different perspective.  And honestly, I love Moodle, and yes I'd love to see a H5P module but LTI I think has to come first. Then H5P would be open to Moodle, Canvas, D2L, Schoology, Blackboard Learn and many more.  And if someone switches their LMS, then their content simply comes with them.





falcon's picture

Thank you for sharing!

The H5P Core Team is already working on LTI, and other community members are now working on an official H5P plugin for Moodle, so hopefully we can get both :)

falcon's picture

Update for those ending up here: