Help uploading packages with OSX

Colin D's picture

SOLVED: The 1st comment on the article gives the solution which is to just add the flags -D and -X to the terminal command



I'm having trouble with the 3rd tutorial in the developer guide: Hello world - manually create package. The problem is I can't upload a package succesfully. I am on OSX and so I followed the suggested Uploading H5P packages with OSX article, using terminal to zip the folder content before trying to upload it within WordPress. However, I get the following error:

Validating h5p package failed.

File "H5P.GreetingCard/" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: json png jpg jpeg gif bmp tif tiff svg eot ttf woff woff2 otf webm mp4 ogg mp3 m4a wav txt pdf rtf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx odt ods odp xml csv diff patch swf md textile vtt webvtt js css.Get help

File "H5P.GreetingCard/language/" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: json png jpg jpeg gif bmp tif tiff svg eot ttf woff woff2 otf webm mp4 ogg mp3 m4a wav txt pdf rtf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx odt ods odp xml csv diff patch swf md textile vtt webvtt js css.Get help

File "content/" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: json png jpg jpeg gif bmp tif tiff svg eot ttf woff woff2 otf webm mp4 ogg mp3 m4a wav txt pdf rtf doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx odt ods odp xml csv diff patch swf md textile vtt webvtt.


Am I right in thinking the problem is with the folders not being recursively zipped properly? I am following the instructions by navigating into the greeting folder then running the command: zip -r greeter.h5p * so I don't know what I can do to resolve the issue. Any suggestions?



H5P file: 
Colin D's picture

I just scrolled down to the comments below the article and saw the solution! Which is to include the extra flags -D and -X giving: zip -r -D -X greeter.h5p *. This now works for me. Perhaps the original article could be updated?

otacke's picture

Hi Colin!

Yes, I agree that the article should be updated. In particular, it should hint to which could/should be used to pack archives for H5P.
