Random number extension in examples repository

gtielemans's picture

Is it possible to change the extension number in the examples repository into a random number?

(With the option to choose to share/ not to share your example in the repository)

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falcon's picture

I'm not following you here. Are you creating H5Ps on H5P.org and talking about the number at the end of the URL?
gtielemans's picture

yes, being not random everyone can guess the numbers. Not handy if you wish to keep it more private, like student homework for your school.

falcon's picture

Ok, how are the students finding the content? Do they add [h5p id="123"] like tags in posts they create or do they just enter the url's directly into the browser? I'm not too familiar with Wordpress but I will bring this on to other Core Team members.
gtielemans's picture

Yes and no, misunderstanding...
I meant in the first place the examples repository from H5P.
There an url is like https://h5p.org/h5p/embed/6036

If I change the number I find the example from somebody else.

But you are right: the examples in my wordpress are also numbered in creation order [h5p id="123"] 
I would prefer there a random number too. 

...And in both cases a way to publish in a public catalogue ...only if I wish that.

In Wordpress (and later I hope in Moodle) I will use the protection from these systems to regulate the access.

Although the current implementation in Wordpress is that - as soon as you are an author - you can see and touch all other H5P examples in your Wordpress.

falcon's picture

Ok, I understand. I think this is well handled in Drupal, but I'm not sure in Wordpress. The H5P Core Team will work on this and update this thread with any progress. It might take some time before you hear back from us here. We're working on a lot of funded issues that will really move H5P forward at the moment.
xyulex's picture

Check out those WP plugins: 


I am sure you'll find something in order to restrict content depending on your needs.