Dialog Cards - Audio in the Answer


I think it's great that you can put the audio in the dialog cards, but I was wondering if there's any way to get them onto the answer side?

I'm using them as language flashcards for students, so it doesn't make sense for me to have the audio on the front side.  I don't want to give the answer away to my students, hehe!



Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Natalie,

Currently this is not possible but thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.

Note: I moved this thread to the Feature Request forum.


papi Jo's picture


Could you please provide a few concrete examples of how you would like to use audio on the back of the dialog cards?

case #1: front = text question (or image) / back = audioanswer

case #2: front = audio question / back = audio answer


I'm a teacher, and I would find that SO useful, personally, so I could give a personal touch and sufficient coverage of the explanations for the answer, or helpful little tips for how to remember it, that kind of thing.

papi Jo's picture

Hey Papi Jo, thanks for the help!

Here's an example of the flash cards I'm working on.  https://h5p.org/node/681295

What I'd be interested in specifically is this:  

  • Front:  image, text
  • Back:  image, text, audio


So, there'd really just be one addition to the dialog cards, which is adding audio to the back.

What do you think?  Can this be done?

Thanks so much!


Will the ability to have audio on the back side of the card be added to the official H5P Dialog Cards?  Great feature!


hi papi jo,

I would like to commend the amazing contribution you have here!! very impressive indeed. I would like to thank your for all your hard work and make two suggestions for easy of access.. 

1. the copy paste option of the cards would be a great time saver
2. the audio recorder at the moment there is only upload audio file which takes forever if I am recording for each card and uploading could you please add the feature of recording directly like the dictation content type!!
again I absolutly love this content type and believe it to be a great addition to h5p.. my students love reviewing using cards I create for them!!!



So, I'm using audio in the dialog cards now, but when I play the audio on my website, it takes forever to load. 

Any ideas as to why that might be?



BV52's picture

Hi Natalie,

  1. Does this happen on all the dialog cards/audio that you created?
  2. Do you see any error messages in the browser console?
  3. Are you seeing the same issue if you create the content here in H5P.org?


Hi BV,

Thanks for the reply!

I've been playing around with it, and one thing I realized is that it depends on the browser.  Chrome and Firefox seem to work well, but safari is the one that's a bit slower.  


BV52's picture

Hi Natalie,

It could be how Safari renders the video or a plugin in it that causes videos to slower than the other browsers. Server bandwitdh/traffic can also be a factor.


In my case, I am using dialog crads as flash cards for vocabulary learning. It would be great to have the audio revealed on the 'back' of the card, along with the word. Front side: picture only, Back side: picture with word and audio. 

Thank you very much!

otacke's picture


There's already a pull-request for this feature (https://github.com/h5p/h5p-dialogcards/pull/86). Don't know, however, if and when the H5P core team might have the time to review it.

