Full HTML text editor for Quiz (Questions set) or other H5P question types

H5P question types are extremely limited by their inability to handle anything other than basic formatting and a standard character set. For any subject that requires anything other than these, for eample science or maths questions that require notation, extended character sets (Greek characters etc.), formulae etc., this poses an issue for all but the simplest of problems. Providing an HTML editor to the text entry fields, allowing rich text (and possibly even images - only allowing an image to be included above the question field in a limited set of question types is also a frustration. Sometimes for example, it is useful to be able to provide an image such as a diagram in feedback) within questions and feedback would make the quiz tool, and the other question types a lot more flexible. Something along the lines of the standard Moodle text editor would work.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi hardav,

Thanks a lot for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


i'd like second this feature request to include not just quizzes, but across any place where a text box is included, especially editing text on a interactive video.  i see there's status that gives you a hint of the code that it's embedding (e.g., div/p/li).  can we get source button on the wysiwyg editor to enable richer formatting?

BV52's picture

Hi itg,

I think this documentation can be of help.


It would be wonderful to have source code editing for textboxes as a standard feature. Not everyone has access to add a custom plugin to our sites. WYSIWYG editors never meet everyone's needs. 

Is it possible to add subscript and superscript to questions or must we wait for an update?

BV52's picture

Hi distributedlearning,

This should be possible by using LaTeX. You can read more about this on the pages below:




papi Jo's picture

Hi distributedlearning,

This might be useful : https://h5p.org/adding-text-editor-buttons