Interactive Book left-hand navigation menu

Hi, I'm very new to H5P and love it already!  Thank you for creating this for the world.  I work at UNICEF and am designing a short course using interactive book.  I would like to be able to add drop-down sub categories similar to the H5P example (attached).  How do I make it so that the main page has sub-pages underneath and drops down.  Currently when I add content, it's not displaying on the left-hand navigation.  Thank you so much for your assistance.

Interactive Book Navigation menu
BV52's picture

Hi ladyk976,

These are automatically created if you have multiple pages/chapters. You can actually download the sample content and upload into your system so that you can check how it was created.


I also have the same problem, and the index is not showing even after adding differnet  pages, etc. Thanks.

Hi, I also have the same problem. When I am on an interactive book, I dont seen to be able to see the sub index, even when I add different pages, etc... can you please help me? I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

BV52's picture

Hi Sergiocoach,

The "table of contents" is automatically generated from the content. All task titles will automatically be added to the page, in addition, if you insert Text content that contains h2 or h3 headers these will automatically be added to the page summary as well. However for Interactive Video and Video the code to add it in the ToC is not yet there but the core team is already considering adding it.



Thank you for your help

Hi Sergiocoach, I found that if I made the text "Header 2" or "Header 3", the sub index is seen. Also, when addeding a quiz or video.  

BV52's picture

Thanks for the tip ladyk976.


Thanks so much