Presentation and IBook


I want to make sure that Presentation and Interactive Book are fully functional. It says they are accessible, maintained and browser support is full. Contrary, on the other page it says:

  1. Impressive presentation is a beta that isn't recommended for production use. It is also extremely difficult to use
  2. Interactive Book is in alpha. It is not accessible, does not work on IOS, have major UX issues and isn't stable.
BV52's picture

Hi englishveselo,

If I'm not mistaken you are referring to these 2 documentations:

  1. Please not get confused between Course Presentation and Impressive Presentation. Course Presentation is working, accessible and will full browser support on the other hand Impressive Presentation may be working but there are a lot of issue with it. Impressive presentation is personal project by one fo the members of the H5P core team and he only works on it in his spare time.
  2. Interactive Book is now and Beta and the H5P core team plans to release the full version (barring any major issues) by the first half of next year. It already has full browser support and accessible there are still some minor issues which you can check here.