How could I combine different H5P activities together to create a test, for example?


Is it possible to combine different types of H5P activities into one end product such as a test so that the points/results of each H5P activity are added together at the end? 

It will make my day, if someone can help me with this problem. ;)

Greetings from Finland,

Johanna Venäläinen
teacher for students with special needs in a vocational school

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BV52's picture

Hi Johanna,

Welcome to H5P!

Yes this is possible by using some content types that enable you to combine different activities. To name a few Quiz (Question Set) a typical quiz type content. Course Presentation is a slide based content type. There is Column which let's you use different types of activity arranged in a column. Another one is Interactive Video which let's you use a video as a backdrop to your activities. There are other content types to choose from and you find most of them here.



I am wondering how can I made two or three stadalone h5p activities in one sample as I can see on many examples on
for instance:

- Agamotto example consist three different standalone activities (Map Layers, Microscope Zoom and Fancy Presentation) and switching between them with right/left Black arrows placed on upper righ/left corner,   as you can see on attached picture

Tnx in advance



I am wondering how can I made two or three stadalone h5p activities in one sample as I can see on many examples on
for instance:

- Agamotto example consist three different standalone activities (Map Layers, Microscope Zoom and Fancy Presentation) and switching between them with right/lef Black arrows palced on upper righ/left corner,   as you can see on picture here:

Tnx in advance


otacke's picture

Hi Ivek!

That's not part of H5P, but of Drupal that's hosting H5P. However, you can combine H5P content in H5P.Column, H5P.InteractiveBook and others.



Hi Oliver!

Thank you for info. 
I am using both H5P.Column and H5P.InteractiveBook, but solution on Drupal looks very nice :-)

I am using Moodle, so I'll try something similar in Moodle.

All the best!


otacke's picture

Hi Ivek!

Actually, I have a "content slider" on the list of things I want to create, but I don't see time/funding for it in the forseeable future.


nydia's picture


I'm a FSL teacher and I've been using H5p activities for quite some time. I've created many simple activities and now I've realize it's not visually attractive since I have many "small" files. Is there any way to create a new one (Interactive Book or Columns, I'm guessing) importing what I have already created? I cannot find any "import" buttons, just copy and paste, and I don't know if there's any other way. I've tried using LUMI and got no results either. Can you please help me? Thanks a lot!

BV52's picture

Hi nydia,

You actually found what you need ;) the copy/paste feature lets you copy another content so that you can paste it into another. You can read more about this in the guides below: